Furniture restoration & Repairs in Auckland – Kimata repairs Ltd


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Benchtop before and after
Built-in Kitchen benchtop Before and after
Rimu wall before and after
Coffee table before and after
antique sewing cabinet, before and after
Recycled antique pews then made an dining table.
resized 10, 100+year old rimu pews into 2.7 meter-1.8 meter.
before and after of a chair
Before and after of an lectern.
Removed varnish, sanded, stained and spray painted with clear finish
Dinning table- High gloss piano finish Before and after
Before and after of a door
Grafted pine timber onto oak and drew oak grains onto pine
Before and after of 3 nest tables.
Before and after of a rimu table
Filled in a hole and hand drew grains on the wall.
fixed an important Japanese cultural marble stone that was damaged by an earthquake and drew marble patterns onto the plain tile.
used cut recycled rimu pew pieces and made a chair

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